Archive for the ‘Homework’ Category

Year 7 Assessment: How do Buddhists account for the existence of suffering?

14 Mar

Your task is to produce an assessment that answers the question, “How do Buddhists account for the existence of suffering?”

You can present your work in a variety of ways if you don’t want to write an essay:

  • A poster
  • A PowerPoint
  • A booklet
  • A newspaper article
  • An essay if you’d like to write one!
  • If you have any other ideas please leave a comment and ask

To answer this well you need to:

  • Define suffering: What does it mean? What is the difference between moral and natural evil?
  • Give examples of the different types of suffering
  • Describe Buddhist beliefs about the causes of suffering – refer to the Three Marks of Existence and The Four Noble Truths
  • Explain how Buddhists believe suffering can be controlled. You’ll want to look at the Eightfold Path
  • Analyse Buddhist beliefs in relation to Christian beliefs. How do Christians explain evil? (The Devil? Free will? Adam and Eve? Suffering is a test? Suffering is a punishment?) What are the differences?
  • Conclude: Does Buddhism explain suffering well? Is there a better way to explain?


Due Date: Thursday 7th April

Please get in touch with me if you need more time for any reason. Don’t turn up on the day without anything!


Posted in Homework, RPE


Year 9 Maths Homework

10 Mar

There is some homework for you all to do on MyMaths. Please log on using the “comberton” username to start with (see me for the password), then use your personal username to get to the relevant tasks.

Due Tuesday!


Year 10 Homework: Explain different attitudes to fertility treatment

07 Mar

Hello all. I hope you are looking forward to this homework!

Your job is to explain what different people might think about fertility treatment and why.

  • Why might a Roman Catholic think fertility treatment is almost always wrong?
  • Why might a Church of England Christian think some forms of fertility treatment are good an acceptable but not others?
  • What other issues might people have with fertility treatment?

Just in case you don’t have them in your book (if you don’t have one then PRINT IT OUT AND STICK IT IN!):

Issues with fertility treatment
The Legal Issues surrounding Fertility Treatment
Christianity and Fertility Treatment


Posted in GCSE, Homework


Year 9 Project: What was the most important reason in punishing the killers of Jamie Bulger?

16 Feb

The task has been set up in class. To do well you’ll need the Jamie Bulger aims of punishment handout (includes guidance on levels).

It’s up to you to decide how you present your work. It could be:

  • An essay
  • A PowerPoint Presentation
  • A newspaper article
  • A booklet
  • A film
  • A cartoon strip
  • A poster

The important thing is that HOWEVER you present your ideas you MUST have all the relevant information. Do NOT spend all your time making your work beautiful and then neglecting to say anything relevant…

The key thing is to talk about different aims of punishment and the strengths and weaknesses of each:

  • Protection: Criminals are locked up to protect the innocent public
  • Deterrence: Criminals are punished to put other people off from committing crimes
  • Rehabilitation (or Reform): The purpose of punishment is to make the criminal into a mature and responsible member of society who is less likely to reoffend
  • Retribution: Punishment is society’s way of “getting its own back” on criminals. “An eye for an eye”
  • Vindication: The law must be seen to be upheld. If crimes are not punished then the law will not be taken seriously.
  • Restoration: Punishment is there to restore things to how they were before. The thief pays back what was stole, the vandal repairs their damage.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of different aims of punishment? How do they relate to the Jamie Bulger case?

Due Dates:
9M – 29th March
9O – 5th April

It might also help to use the James Bulger PowerPoint.
Here’s a link to the documentary Unforgiven which we watched in class.
I’ve also added Religious Attitudes to Punishment at Amy’s request.


Posted in Homework


Year 11 Part E Homework

10 Feb

On the wiki there are some Part E questions for the topics we have just been revising. Pick one you fancy answering and write an answer on the relevant Wiki page under a section with your name.


Posted in GCSE, Homework


Year 10: Every baby has the right to life

02 Feb

This statement is essentially asking whether abortion is ever acceptable. Your job is to respond!

Suggested structure

  • Introduction: What is the statement trying to say? A good essay will briefly mention the key issues (when does life begin, the law, mother’s rights vs child’s rights) and then suggest what the conclusion will be.
  • Set some background. It’s worth explaining issues such as when life begins and why this is relevant to the issue of abortion. You could also talk about the ideas of “viability”, “ensoulment” and human rights and explain why they are relevant.
  • Agreement: Why might some people agree? (eg. Roman Catholics) What reasons and evidence do they have to back this up? Draw on the background issues like ensoulment, viability and human rights to give weight to your argument. Then analyse: is this a good way to approach the problem? What are the strengths and weaknesses?
  • Disagreement: Why are some people “pro-choice”? What’s the reason for suggesting that the mother’s life and health is more important than the baby’s? You could talk about the law, and how it attempted to combat the damage done through illegal abortion. Then analyse: is this a good way to approach the problem? What are the strengths and weaknesses?
  • Conclusion: What is your view on this? Who do you agree with? Why is your view stronger than the other options?

Tip: A really good essay is nuanced. That means it recognises the strengths of both sides and attempts to find a way through. Very few people completely argue that an unborn child has no rights; however, they do recognise that perhaps the mother’s rights are more important. Have a look at this for some ideas. It was written by someone who has just finished their PhD at Cambridge University and has some strong views on abortion as a fundamentalist Christian: Abortion is Wrong

Good luck! Please leave a comment or email me if you have questions. This is due on Wednesday 16th Feb.


Posted in GCSE, Homework


Year 11: Wiki additions homework

25 Jan

Your homework this week is to add some information to the GCSE Wiki (general username and password are available on the Learning Platform if you’ve forgotten them).

Once you log in to the Wiki itself using your personal username and password (email me if you’ve forgotten) you can click on your user page to find your homework (leftmost link of the set at the top right, will be the same as your username).


Year 10 Essay: There is no such thing as a miracle

13 Jan

Your task is to consider whether miracles actually happen.

First thing to do is explain what a miracle is… What do different people consider a miracle to be?

Why might some people agree that miracles do exist? What evidence is there that miracles do happen? You might refer to the miracles of Jesus, or perhaps you could look at Lourdes and the miracles that have happened there. Remember analysis! Are these miracles convincing? Why? Don’t just say, “There’s no proof.” Think about the evidence. Is the evidence convincing? Does the evidence in the gospels provide compelling evidence of miracles? Some people consider the miracles of Jesus to be more metaphorical than literal. If you really want to push yourself try reading a bit of The Meaning in the Miracles by Jeffrey John. There is an interesting chapter on the healing of a paralysed man.

Why might some people disagree that miracles happen? What evidence is there that miracles don’t happen? Why might some people put miracles down to luck or co-incidence?

Due Monday 31st Jan.

Resources: Lourdes PowerPoint


Posted in GCSE, Homework


A-Level essay: The Cosmological Argument

10 Jan

As usual this is a two-part question:

(i) Explain the cosmological argument for the existence of God.
(ii) Comment on the view that the cosmological argument is convincing.

Firstly, remember that the notes are here.

The first part of the question is asking you to explain the cosmological argument in its various forms. Remember that the argument is NOT just singular. It is several arguments, all on the theme of “cause and effect”, that all form part of the wider argument. You need to bring out the differences in these arguments and explain how they relate to the idea of cause and effect.

The second part of the question is basically asking: “Is the cosmological argument any good?” This is where the criticisms of the argument come in.

  • Why might some think the cosmological arguments are good? Why?
  • Why might some disagree? Why?
  • Are the criticisms convincing? Why?
  • You get the idea…

Year 7 Assessment: Does God Exist?

05 Jan

Your task is to answer the question “Does God Exist”. To do it look at the Does God Exist handout.

There are a couple of websites to look at here:

Please produce this on paper (either typed or written). NOT in your books.

If you find any good links to useful information please leave a comment so I can make the link available to everyone!

Due dates:
7C – 27th Jan
7E – 27th Jan
7M – 27th Jan
7N – 1st Feb

Good luck! Leave a comment or email me if you have any questions!


Posted in Homework, RPE