Posts Tagged ‘Frequency Polygons’

Year 10 Maths: Frequency Polygons homework

13 Sep

Your job is to do some research in order to produce two sets of comparable frequency polygons.

First come up with a hypothesis (not a question). It needs to have two (or more, if you like) groups that you are comparing with some continuous data to measure.

eg. “Year 10 boys are taller than year 10 girls”
or “Year 10 students spend more time watching television each day than year 9s”

What you produce needs to include the following:

  1. The hypothesis you are testing
  2. A method statement: How are you going to gather the data to make sure it is valid and reliable?
  3. Tables of data: Put your results into a frequency table (with suitable intervals) to show what you have found.
  4. A graph of frequency polygons: On one graph draw the frequency polygons of the data you have collected.
  5. Analysis: An explanation of what the graphs show. You could talk about the “modal grouping” and the “skew” of each polygon.
  6. Conclusion: What does your evidence show with respect to the hypothesis? Is your hypothesis confirmed? How do you know? What might you need to do in order to make your results more certain? How might you change the work you have done in order to improve it if you were going to do it again?

Good luck! As always, please leave a comment if you have any questions!

This is due on Thursday 22nd Sept.