Posts Tagged ‘Does God Exist’

Year 7 Assessment: Does God Exist?

05 Jan

Your task is to answer the question “Does God Exist”. To do it look at the Does God Exist handout.

There are a couple of websites to look at here:

Please produce this on paper (either typed or written). NOT in your books.

If you find any good links to useful information please leave a comment so I can make the link available to everyone!

Due dates:
7C – 27th Jan
7E – 27th Jan
7M – 27th Jan
7N – 1st Feb

Good luck! Leave a comment or email me if you have any questions!


Posted in Homework, RPE


Year 7 Homework: The Cosmological Argument

11 Nov

The question is: “Does the Cosmological Argument prove the existence of God? Why or why not?”

Your job is to explain whether you think Aquinas’ argument is good evidence for the existence of God.

Does the idea that there must be a being that “caused” the universe prove that God exists. There’s a cause for everything, there must be a cause for the universe right?

On the other hand, people might say that God can’t explain the universe. If the universe needs a cause, then doesn’t God need a cause too? If not, why not?

Try to explain both sides of the argument, then give a conclusion to say which you think is true.

Just for fun, here’s the YouTube video of the Domino Chain:

7M – 18th November
7N – 23rd November
7E – 25th November

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