Your task is to finish your essay on how RPE has changed over the last 100 years. Because of curriculum extension day this is due on Friday 4th November. That means you have lots of time so MAKE IT GOOD!
Print it out and fill it in then bring it to school.
Fill it in on the computer, then print it out and bring it to school.
Fill it in on the computer then save a copy and email me.
Write it out in your book and bring it to school.
Please find someone suitably old to interview and make sure you don’t catch them at a bad time!
If you have any trouble with this then please come to find me or email me BEFORE the lesson so we can sort it out. I won’t be impressed if you tell me there was a problem at the beginning of the lesson.
Explain how Buddhists believe suffering can be controlled. You’ll want to look at the Eightfold Path
Analyse Buddhist beliefs in relation to Christian beliefs. How do Christians explain evil? (The Devil? Free will? Adam and Eve? Suffering is a test? Suffering is a punishment?) What are the differences?
Conclude: Does Buddhism explain suffering well? Is there a better way to explain?
The question is: “Does the Cosmological Argument prove the existence of God? Why or why not?”
Your job is to explain whether you think Aquinas’ argument is good evidence for the existence of God.
Does the idea that there must be a being that “caused” the universe prove that God exists. There’s a cause for everything, there must be a cause for the universe right?
On the other hand, people might say that God can’t explain the universe. If the universe needs a cause, then doesn’t God need a cause too? If not, why not?
Try to explain both sides of the argument, then give a conclusion to say which you think is true.
Just for fun, here’s the YouTube video of the Domino Chain:
7M – 18th November
7N – 23rd November
7E – 25th November
Here’s the interview that we put together on Tuesday: Interview document
Please print out a copy and fill it in when you interview someone – the older the person the better! You need to bring your interview to the lesson NEXT Tuesday (5th October).
You need to interview one person, but if you want to interview more then you’re quite welcome to…
Any question, please leave a comment below or email me.
Here’s the interview that we put together on Tuesday: Interview document
Please print out a copy and fill it in when you interview someone – the older the person the better! You’ll need to bring the completed interview to the lesson NEXT Tuesday (5th October).
You need to interview one person, but if you want to interview more then you’re quite welcome to…
Any question, please leave a comment below or email me.
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