Is our system of captalist, free-market economics fundamentally corrupt? Increasing numbers of people think so.
If you have a spare 2.5 hours I recommend watching Moving Forward from the Zeitgeist Movement. It’s a fascinating analysis of our economic system and its effects on human flourishing. Lots of interesting things to say about equality. Of course, its important that you watch these things critically – you don’t have to agree with everything you watch! WARNING: There is a little bit of bad language dotted around and some distressing images at times. This is not a light-hearted rom-com; it is a film designed to encourage you to rethink the structure of society as we know it! You have been warned! (Please feel free to discuss anything you don’t understand with me)
They refer to The Equality Trust in the film. Have a look – there are some interesting statistics about the relationship between inequality in society and social ills such as obesity, mental health issues, drug abuse etc.