Year 10 Homework: Explain the reasons a Christian might give in support of their belief in God

05 Jan

Your task is the Part D (6 mark) question: “Explain the reasons a Christian might give in support of their belief in God”.

Your job is to explain briefly the reasons people might give for belief in God. The six to talk about are given by the acronym EMU COT:

  • Experience
  • Morality
  • Upbringing
  • Cosmological
  • Ontological
  • Teleological

You should have something about all of these in your notes. 6 marks, 6 points. Make sure you explain what each one means briefly though, eg. “Some Christians might believe in God because of the cosmological argument, which means that they look at cause and effect in the universe and argue that God must be the first cause to start everything off”.

Due Monday 10th please!

As ever, leave a comment if you have any questions.

For the benefit of anyone who missed it I’ve added the Ontological Argument PowerPoint


Posted in GCSE, Homework


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  1. Anonymous

    January 7, 2011 at 10:24 pm

    i thought we only had to do 3 of the EMU COT sections?

    • Mr Bigg

      January 9, 2011 at 6:35 pm

      Well, 3 of the EMU COT sections which are well explained should be fine. However, I’d be tempted to discuss 4 to make sure you don’t miss something. If you only do 3 and make a mistake on one of them then you’ll lose marks. Doing more will cover your back!

  2. Abir

    January 8, 2011 at 1:04 pm

    Sir, I missed all the lessons on the Ontological Argument (because I was in the French Exchange), so could you please briefly desribe to me what it is all about.
    Thanks for all your help.

    • Mr Bigg

      January 9, 2011 at 6:38 pm

      Hi Abir,

      I’ve added the Power Point about the Ontological Argument to the blog post.

      Hope that helps!

      • Anonymous

        January 11, 2011 at 4:11 pm