May 14th, 2009 by Mr Bigg
Today we started an assessment on poverty (booklet that was handed out is here.
This is due for Thursday 4th June (1st lesson back after half term). Next week we will be in K11 to give you a chance to start writing some things up.
If you want some more information to help you try some of these:
Tags: Assessment, Poverty
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March 12th, 2009 by Mr Bigg
We continue on the MLK project today. Most of you worked really well throughout the lesson and started getting to grips with the religious aspect of MLK’s battle.
Remember that this is due next week (19th March). Either print it off (if it’s an essay/booklet), email me or bring it along on a USB pen drive.
Good luck! You can always come and find me at lunchtime if you have questions.
Tags: Martin Luther King, Racism
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March 5th, 2009 by Mr Bigg
Today (5th March) we started on a Martin Luther King project in the Resource Centre. The project handout is here.
Make sure you read the second page for tips on how to do well. Having lots of facts is no good to me without explanation, analysis and evaluation!
I’ll put some of the best ones up here when they are finished. Remember: This is due on the 19th March, so that’s the homework for two weeks. Make it good!
Here are those tips on how to do well:
This is your opportunity to show me how much you know and how well you have understood it. Note that in RE understanding is often more important than the facts that you have found. Depending on the level you are aiming for you’ll need to:
Level 5: Explain. You’ll have found out lots of facts about MLK, but you need to explain why they are relevant to your project. For example, you may highlight the different water fountains for coloured people as evidence of what life was like for coloured people. What you need to do is explain why these water fountains affected coloured people. How did it make them feel? What did it say about the way white people saw them?
Level 6: Analyse. There are five questions to be thought about in your project. To do good analysis you need to highlight themes that occur throughout. Examples of themes might be:
- Justice/injustice
- Freedom/slavery
- Love/hatred
- Violence/non-violence
For example, the theme of injustice appears in all five questions. There was injustice in the way black people were treated, MLK had a strong sense of this injustice (perhaps from his father), Christianity teaches that God love justice and hates injustice, Martin may have picked up on the Christian idea about battling injustice, and one might admire his sense of battling injustice. This is only very brief, to do it properly you need to explain what you are saying (as in Level 5). For good analysis pick two or three themes and try to talk about them when thinking about each question.
Level 7: Evaluation. The main question in the project is about how MLK’s religious belief influenced him. To evaluate this you need to explain why you think his religious belief did or did not influence him. Some people say that his religious belief wasn’t that important, and his battle was more about making life better for himself, his family and his friends than a battle over religious ideas. Do you agree? If so, why? If not, why not? Using your level 6 analysis you can make an argument. For example, using the theme of freedom, you might find that while MLK thinks it very important, Christianity does not agree. If so, this might suggest that the religious side of the story is not so important for MLK.
Tags: Martin Luther King, Racism
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February 26th, 2009 by Mr Bigg
We started on a project about Martin Luther King (MLK) and the Civil Rights movement in America today.
Each of you had a sheet and you used some books to find out information about MLK, what he believed, what he said and what he did. These will be really useful when we come to starting our project properly next week. Finish for homework if you did not do so in lesson.
A reminder that if you haven’t yet handed in your homework on Apartheid then I need it by next lesson. If I don’t get it by then you’ll be expected to come back at lunchtime to do it.
In addition to finishing the sheet about MLK, today’s homework was to find out more about his interest in civil rights. What motivated him to do what he did?
- Was it his religious beliefs?
- Was it his social conscience?
- Was it his sense of justice?
Whatever you can find out will be very helpful for the project. For information try:
Tags: Martin Luther King, Racism
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February 12th, 2009 by Mr Bigg
Today we watched some of a film about Rosa Parks and thought about what life was like for black people in 50s and 60s America. We looked at things like:
- Black people finding it hard to register for voting
- Police discrimination and victimisation of black people
- The assumption of guilt for black people over white people
- Having separate drinking fountains
- Black people being forced to sit at the back of buses
I wonder what struck you most about the way coloured people were treated.
After half term we’ll look at Martin Luther King and what he did to help get rights for coloured people.
Tags: Racism, Rosa Parks
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February 5th, 2009 by Mr Bigg
We were supposed to be watching a film about racism in America, but instead it was a snow day.
I hope you all learned lots about snowmen. Here’s what I made:

We’ll watch the film next week…
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January 29th, 2009 by Mr Bigg
This is due on Thursday 5th February.
Write me a short essay (1 side of A4 max) telling me about you favourite anti-Apartheid hero.
- Who were they?
- What did they do?
- What did you like about them?
- Why?
- Did their religious ideas make a difference?
To do really well try to explain why you chose your favourite over the others. Try to persuade me that you are right!
Here’s some information on the three characters:
Desmond Tutu
Nelson Mandela
Trevor Huddlestone
There’s also some information in the details of last week’s homework.
Tags: Apartheid, Racism
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January 29th, 2009 by Mr Bigg
Today we had a balloon debate looking at 3 anti-apartheid heroes. Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and Trevor Huddleston.
In the end, after considering all three and looking at their contributions to the abolition of apartheid, we decided that Trevor Huddleston would make the ultimate sacrifice….
The homework set can be found here and has more information on the people involved.
Tags: Apartheid, Racism
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January 21st, 2009 by Mr Bigg
Today we looked at where racism came from, particularly looking at slavery and the Windrush. We considered the kinds of pictures racist people might have in their heads when thinking about people of a different race and how we might change that.
Where does racism come from?
Play the racism quiz
For the homework look here…
Tags: Racism
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January 21st, 2009 by Mr Bigg
Firstly, everyone needs to find out a little bit about Apartheid. Basically it was a time in South Africa between 1948 and 1990 during which there was a separation of white people from those of other races. Many non-white people were badly oppressed during this time. Look here for some information.
Your homework is to find out a bit about 3 people who fought against Apartheid. You were divided into three groups. Each group needs to do some research.
Each of the below links are Wikipedia articles to get you started. I hope you’ll Google these people yourselves to find out a bit more than the basics. I’m particularly interested in whether religious ideas made a difference to what they did.
- Group 1: Nelson Mandela. Look here to start with.
- Group 2: Desmond Tutu. Go here.
- Group 3: Trevor Huddlestone. Try here.
If you weren’t there in the lesson then just pick any of the above to find out about!
Good luck!
Tags: Racism
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