If any of you want to think about the essay at home then here’s a copy of the handout that we looked at in lesson.
Archive for the ‘Homework’ Category
Year 11 Homework: Belief about Deity
Hi 11s,
Your homework is to refresh your memory of the Belief about Deity topic by doing a past exam question…
(a) What does the term ‘holy’ mean? [1]
(b) Describe (with examples) two types of miracles Jesus performed.[2]
(c) How do Christians believe they can know what God is like? [3]
(d) Explain what Christians believe about the nature of God. [6]
(e) ‘If miracles were true, they would happen all the time. [12]
It’s due 2 weeks today (Monday 18th Oct).
Please email me any questions or leave a comment!
7E History of RPE Interview
Hi 7E!
Here’s the interview that we put together on Tuesday: Interview document
Please print out a copy and fill it in when you interview someone – the older the person the better! You need to bring your interview to the lesson NEXT Tuesday (5th October).
You need to interview one person, but if you want to interview more then you’re quite welcome to…
Any question, please leave a comment below or email me.
Good luck!
7N History of RPE interview
Hi 7N!
Here’s the interview that we put together on Tuesday: Interview document
Please print out a copy and fill it in when you interview someone – the older the person the better! You’ll need to bring the completed interview to the lesson NEXT Tuesday (5th October).
You need to interview one person, but if you want to interview more then you’re quite welcome to…
Any question, please leave a comment below or email me.
Good luck!
Year 10 Human Relationships homework
Hello year 10,
Just to remind you, there is some homework due for next week (4th Oct). You need to write a response to the statement: “Divorce is never justified”.
You should have a plan in your book already but just in case you haven’t, I suggest you structure it something like this:
- Introduction: Explain what you think the statement is trying to say (may just be a case of rephrasing it). Then explain that you’ll look at Roman Catholic and Church of England views, and your own opinion on the subject.
- Roman Catholic Views: Highlight that most RCs would agree with this statement. Explain why they have a problem with divorce and that it’s simply not a possibility. Could talk about annulment, dissolution and separation as other options. Discuss pros and cons of this position.
- Church of England views: Highlight that the CofE does not take such a strict view, so would not agree. However, make clear that divorce is still wrong, but in some cases the “lesser of two evils”. Explain why they might think there are times when divorce is acceptable. Discuss pros and cons of this position.
- Your own views: Do you agree? Why? Why is your view better than the other alternative?
One thing I forgot to mention in lesson: INCLUDE BIBLE VERSES. Make sure it’s clear that you know what the Bible has to say on the subject…
Finally, please remember to do it on paper (preferably typed).
Good luck!
7M History of RPE Interview
Hi 7M!
Here’s the interview that we put together on Thursday: Interview document
Please print out a copy and fill it in when you interview someone – the older the person the better!
You need to interview one person, but if you want to interview more then you’re quite welcome to…
Any question, please leave a comment below or email me.
Good luck!
Year 11 Human Relationships Homework
Hi Year 11, please remember that you have some homework (due Monday 4th)! The question is here:
(a) What is meant by ‘annulment’? [1]
(b) State two situations in which an annulment might be possible. [2]
(c) Describe three Christian beliefs about divorce. [3]
(d) Explain what Christians believe about the purpose of marriage. [6]
(e) ‘Women should always obey their husbands.’
Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answer. [12]
If you have any questions please leave a comment below! Let me know if you need any information…
Please TYPE your answers!