CRP: Worship

The way people worship God tells us a lot about the religion.


Hindus do meet in a temple (called a Mandir), but actually Hinduism is unusual in that most worship takes place in the home. Most Hindu homes have a shrine (special place) dedicated to their favourite god. For more information look at New Steps in RE Book 2, page 56.


Jews worship in a Synagogue. Their Holy Day starts on Friday evening and finishes on Saturday evening. Many Jews will meet together in the Synagogue on Friday night for prayers and songs and to share together. For more information look at New Steps in RE Book 2, page 52.


Muslims worship together in a Mosque. Prayer (salah) is held five times a day here and particularly on Friday Muslims try to gather together for prayer. Before going into a Mosque Muslims remove their shoes and wash their feet as a sign of respect for Allah. For more information look at New Steps in RE Book 2, page 54.


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