CRP: Holy Books

Each religion has its own Holy Books. These form the basis of what religious people believe about the world and God.


There are variety of Hindu holy books, which often take the form of stories and teachings. They were written over many years and no-one really knows who put them together or wrote them. For more information look at New Steps in RE Book 2, page 36.


The Jewish Holy Book is written in Hebrew often called the Tenakh, which is short for Torah, Nevi’im (prophets) and Ketuvim (writings). The Torah is the most important bit, as it goes from creation of the world to the law being given. The whole thing was written over hundreds of years by a variety of different people. For more information look at New Steps in RE Book 2, page 32.


The Qur’an is central to Muslim belief. They believe that God dictated it to Muhammad, so every word in it is the Word of God. It is written in Arabic and treated with the utmost respect. For more information look at New Steps in RE Book 2, page 34.


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