CRP: Birth ceremonies

When a new person comes into the world religions do things to mark the event…


Hindus do lots of things around the birth of a baby, some even before the baby is born! The baby has a horoscope reading, the Hindu symbol is drawn on the baby’s tongue with honey and there is a special naming ceremony. For more information look at New Steps in RE Book 3, page 36. You can also find lots of information here.


When Jewish boys are born they are circumcised to show obedience to God’s laws. For more information look at New Steps in RE Book 3, page 32.


When a Muslim baby is born the first thing the father does is whisper the “Shahadah” into the child’s ear so these are the first words they hear. They also shave the baby’s head, say prayers and do various other things. For more information look at New Steps in RE Book 3, page 34.


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