CRP: What do the religions believe about God?

All of these religions have a belief in God, but there are similarities and differences…


Hindus only believe in one God (called Brahman). However, Brahman appears in many different forms, and so Hindus have thousands of gods, each showing a different part of Brahman’s personality. Hindus often make statues or pictures of these different gods. For more information look at New Steps in RE Book 3, page 24.


Jews only believe in one God (this is called monotheism). God cannot be seen but can communicate with humans in a variety of ways. The God of Judaism is called “Yahweh” (or Jehovah) and he chose the Jews people to be his special group. Jews believe that it is wrong to make pictures of Yahweh God. Mainly because God says so in the Ten Commandments, but partly because God cannot be compared to anything in the world. For more information look at New Steps in RE Book 3, page 20.


The Muslim faith comes out of the Jewish faith, so they also believe that there is only one God (who they call Allah – the Arabic word for God). They also have 99 “names” for Allah, which are all descriptions of his personality (eg. The Almighty, The Creator). Like Jews, Muslims believe it is wrong to make images of God. For more information look at New Steps in RE Book 3, page 22.


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