
For those of you not here yesterday you’ll need a copy of this file in your “website” folder (you may need to Right Click and do “Save As”).

The information in “pointy brackets” <> are called “tags” tell Internet Explorer how to display your page. Each “tag” has an “opening” and “closing”. (So, for example the file starts <html> (HyperText Markup Language), and ends </html> which tells Internet Explorer that it is a proper internet file.

Next is the <body> tag, which is closed by </body> and tells Internet Explorer what is the main area of the document.

Finally is the <p> and </p> section. “P” stands for “paragraph”. You can have as many paragraphs as you like in a document… Try adding another so your document looks like this: 

<p>Hello world!</p>
<p>This is my first web page!</p>

Remember to always put a “close” tag if you use an “open” tag!

If you need a “heading” then you can use the <h1> tag (closed with the </h1> tag).

eg. <h1>My new heading</h1>


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