Science and Religion: Practise Question

Some sample answers. There’s a lot more to be said but this should be a starting point.

Here is a sample answer for a Year 10 Question:

Part (c) – What are the main scientific theories concerning how the world and humanity began? [3]

The scientific theory that explains how the world began is called “big bang” theory. It says that at the beginning there was a huge explosion in which all the energy in the universe was released which eventually formed the universe as we know it.
The other theory is called “evolution” which is Darwin’s idea that human beings developed through a process called natural selection over millions of years.

Part (d) – Explain why some Christians might not accept scientific theories about the origins of the world. [6]

Some Christians might not believe in the scientific theories for a variety of reasons. Firstly, Conservative Christians believe that the Bible is literally true. They believe this because they believe that the Bible is the Word of God, and God cannot lie.
On the other hand, Liberal Christians do not believe that the Bible is literally true. They see it as more poetic and therefore don’t have a problem believing in science at the same time.

And a Year 11 answer:

Part (a) – Describe Christian beliefs about the origins of the world:

Christian beliefs about the origins of the world mainly come from the Bible. In the book of Genesis, Christians read that God created the world in six days. During these six days he created the sun, moon and stars, as well as the animals, fish and human beings.
Human beings were the final thing to be created and Genesis says that God created human beings to look after the world. The first thing that Adam did was to name the animals. The Christian word for looking after creation is “stewardship”, which means taking care of the world on behalf of God.
Many Christians take the Bible literally on this. They think that the Bible is the “Word of God”, and that God cannot lie. Therefore they conclude that the Bible must be “inerrant”, which means there are no errors.
On the other hand, some “Liberal” Christians believe that the Bible is not literally true, and that it is more poetic. They believe that Genesis is not historical, but is a myth explaining how God created a good world which “he” loves.

Part (b) Explain Why Christians might feel they have a duty to look after the planet:

There are several reasons that Christians might have for feeling they have a duty to look after the world. Firstly, they believe that God created the world and so it is worthy of respect.
A second reason is that most Christians believe they should obey God’s commands. God tells Adam that he should be a “steward” and look after God’s world for him and Christians believe that they should be stewards too, as a sign of respect, appreciation and gratitude.
Finally, Christians believe God loves the world. Christians also love God, and so look after the world as a sign of their love for God.

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