Archive for the ‘Lesson’ Category

Advice on resurrection project

Friday, May 8th, 2009

The point of this project is for you to show me how well you can deal with the information available about the resurrection. The links below should help provide you with plenty of information.

General information:

Feel free to do a Google search too. A lot of the information out there is quite complex but it would be great if you can find something different!

Lesson on 13th March: Pictures of Jesus

Sunday, March 15th, 2009

Today we looked at postcards of Jesus (you can find them all at the bottom of this post).

You each looked at 3 postcards and wrote about what you thought they were saying about Jesus. We discussed what you had found and then you started thinking about your own pictures of Jesus:

If you were going to draw a picture of Jesus, how would you do it?

What kind of person would you draw?

Would he be strong? Powerful? Wise? Kind? Angry? Happy? Tall? Female?

You made notes about what you thought, and wrote down some ideas about how your drawing would get these ideas across.

Your homework was to take these ideas home, draw the picture, and write a paragraph explaining what you’ve drawn.

This whole piece of work will be marked out of 12 (4 for effort, 4 for presentation, 4 for understanding). For each mark you get a raffle ticket which gives you an entry into a prize draw.

1st prize is 5 merits, 2nd prize is 3 merits, 3rd prize is 1 merit. The better your work, the more chance of winning a prize! Good luck!

Read this for tips on doing well:

Level 4: Description. To get level 4 you need to describe what you are doing. What do you see? What does it look like?
Level 5: Explanation. You need to think about why. Why do you say what you say? If the picture presents Jesus in a certain way explain why you think that is.
Level 6: Analysis. The best way to do analysis is through “themes”. Good ones for this might be “death”, “emotion”, “colour”, “light”. Think about how these ideas might come through in your art and compare your art to the other pictures.

The pictures of Jesus are here:

Lesson on 27th February: Two stories of Jesus’ birth

Friday, February 27th, 2009

Today we compared Luke’s account of Jesus’ birth with Matthew’s.

You devised a play, a poster and a story-board to represent these things and drew out some similarities and differences between them.

For homework you were asked to write down two examples of things that are one thing, yet many. For example:

  • An iPhone is one unit, yet it is a phone, a music player, a camera and a web-browser all-in-one!
  • A swiss army knife is a knife, a saw, a nail-file, a tooth-pick and more in one little box!

Can you write down two examples of the same kind of thing?

Lesson on 6th February: Rescue from an unexpected place

Thursday, February 5th, 2009

Today we heard a story about an unexpected rescue from a squirrel! You wrote your own stories about an unexpected rescue and I’ll scan some in for you to look at soon…

We also heard the story of the Jewish hope for a rescue at the time of Jesus and that Jesus was an unexpected rescuer for them…

Your homework was to read from either Matthew or Luke’s story of Jesus’ birth. Did you know that of the four Gospels (life-stories of Jesus) only two of them mention his birth?

If you were supposed to be reading Matthew’s version you can find it in Matthew 1:18-2:23.

If you were reading Luke’s version you need Luke 1:26-38 and 2:1-20

Make sure you’ve read this before next week. If you didn’t write down which one to read or weren’t at the lesson just pick one or the other…

Lesson on January 30th: The Nativity

Thursday, February 5th, 2009

Today we spent some time telling the story of Jesus’ birth and then each of you responded in whichever way you saw fit. Some of you made hats, some modelled with clay, some wrote something, some played with the figures some more, some asked questions.

Some of the best questions were things like:

  • Why did God choose to send Jesus at that particular time in history?
  • If God made Jesus then who made God? (And no, it’s not you, Terry)
  • How could the wise men follow a star?

David made a lovely clay angel:

This is the start of a section on work on what Christians called the “Incarnation”, which means “becoming flesh”. We’ll be exploring what Christians mean when they say that Jesus came in human flesh and dwelt among us.