Lesson on January 30th: The Nativity

Today we spent some time telling the story of Jesus’ birth and then each of you responded in whichever way you saw fit. Some of you made hats, some modelled with clay, some wrote something, some played with the figures some more, some asked questions.

Some of the best questions were things like:

  • Why did God choose to send Jesus at that particular time in history?
  • If God made Jesus then who made God? (And no, it’s not you, Terry)
  • How could the wise men follow a star?

David made a lovely clay angel:

This is the start of a section on work on what Christians called the “Incarnation”, which means “becoming flesh”. We’ll be exploring what Christians mean when they say that Jesus came in human flesh and dwelt among us.


One Response to “Lesson on January 30th: The Nativity”

  1. Frizz Says:

    this website is naff
    but its a good help

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