Lesson on 6th February: Rescue from an unexpected place

Today we heard a story about an unexpected rescue from a squirrel! You wrote your own stories about an unexpected rescue and I’ll scan some in for you to look at soon…

We also heard the story of the Jewish hope for a rescue at the time of Jesus and that Jesus was an unexpected rescuer for them…

Your homework was to read from either Matthew or Luke’s story of Jesus’ birth. Did you know that of the four Gospels (life-stories of Jesus) only two of them mention his birth?

If you were supposed to be reading Matthew’s version you can find it in Matthew 1:18-2:23.

If you were reading Luke’s version you need Luke 1:26-38 and 2:1-20

Make sure you’ve read this before next week. If you didn’t write down which one to read or weren’t at the lesson just pick one or the other…


6 Responses to “Lesson on 6th February: Rescue from an unexpected place”

  1. JY Says:

    Where do we need to click for our homework


  2. JY Says:

    This site is so Wicked

  3. JY Says:


  4. JY Says:

    only jokin Mr biggin

  5. Mr Bigg Says:

    Hi J,

    Thanks for the comments! Your homework is above. If you were looking at Matthew go here:

    If you were looking at Luke go here:

  6. 1springfield Says:


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