Archive for February, 2009

Lesson on 25th Feb: Celebrating a new baby!

Friday, February 27th, 2009

Today we had a celebration. You guys came in with ideas about how to celebrate a new birth and shared your ideas. We were particularly looking at how symbols were used in the celebration.

  • Lots of heart-shaped things to represent love for the new baby
  • Umbrellas to represent protection of the baby
  • A drawing of a flower to symbolise the beautiful world into which the baby was born
  • The baby was passed under the legs of lots of people in a box which was then opened. This symbolised that the baby was welcomed by everyone and then brought out of the darkness of the box into the light

Lesson on 11th February: New birth celebrations

Thursday, February 12th, 2009

It was announced today that there’ll be a new baby arriving in the class and we need to celebrate!

We started by thinking about the way in which religious people celebrate new birth and the symbolism used. For example, Christians give a candle to the child to symbolise or represent moving from darkness into light. Muslims shave the head of their child and give the hair’s weight in silver or gold to charity - they recognise that the child is a gift from God and they give this money as a symbol of their gratitude to God.

In small groups we were coming up with out own ceremonies to celebrate our new baby. We thought about values that the group held (liking horses, valuing friends, appreciating certain kinds of music etc.) and then came up with a ceremony to symbolise those values. You filled in a form like this to organise your thoughts.

Be sure to bring everything you need to the next lesson (Wednesday after half term) so that you can show the ceremony to the rest of the class. If you have any questions then leave a comment and I’ll respond to you.

Good luck! I look forward to finding out what you’ve done…

Lesson on 4th February: Birth

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009

Today we looked at what Christians, Muslims and Jews do to celebrate the birth of a new baby so we looked at Baptism, circumcision and Aqiqah.

This was done in teams and at the end we had a quiz.

For homework you were asked to think about what you might do to celebrate the birth of a new baby…

Put together a few ideas on paper and bring them to the next lesson.

Would you:

  • Do something special?
  • Go somewhere special?
  • Eat something special?
  • Say special words?

Be creative!

Here are the posters you made during the lesson:

Christianity -

Islam -

Judaism -