I’ve marked the 12 essays I received and they were mostly pretty good! Well done, lots of you have shown good understanding!
Some common points:
- There is a distinction between sin (in the sense of specific things that people do wrong) and sinfulness (the general nature of something as likely to do things wrong). It is important to note that Hodge refers to sinfulness so he is not saying that everyone does the same things wrong, but that everyone is similarly inclined to sin. He is saying that it is in everyone’s nature to be sinful, and that original sin explains this inclination. If you don’t make this distinction then you’re on tricky ground.
- All of you argued against Hodge. That’s fine, but if you are arguing against someone then it’s quite easy to knock them down but it’s another thing all together to suggest an alternative. Hodge is suggesting that original sin is the “only rational solution” to the “universal sinfulness” of human beings. If you disagree with this then there are two ways of arguing:
- There is another rational solution to the universal sinfulness of human beings. You agree that everyone is sinful, but think there is another explanation. Lots of you started to do this by arguing that free will explains it but you need to be clear. Why should free will mean that I choose to do wrong? If I have free will and have the choice to do good or ill, why should I choose to do ill?
- Human beings aren’t universally sinful, in which case you deny that human beings have a natural inclination to do wrong. Could you give an example? Remember to explain why you dispute this!
- Quoting - if you refer to something someone else has written that is fine (even encouraged). However, you must put it in quotes and say where the quote has come from. If you quote something without declaring where it is from you are plagarising which is considered by examiners to be cheating. Universities take this very seriously and lots of people are kicked out every year for doing this. It is only polite to say where you get your information from, this allows whoever is reading your essay to look up the information for themselves if they wish to investigate further. You may like to use footnotes!
I haven’t given grades as grade boundaries do move from year to year but if you want to know roughly how well you are doing the grade boundaries are something like:
- A: 28 or above
- B: 25 or above
- C: 21 or above
- D: 18 or above
- E: 14 or above
Well done to all of you who handed something in. I enjoyed marking them…
Faye, Rosie, Alex, Sophie and Dani - I expect them handed in before the end of the week.