Posts Tagged ‘Exam Question’

Past Papers

Tuesday, April 28th, 2009

For information on past papers look here.

There are also some “Examiners Reports” on that page, which work through some past papers and explain the kinds of things examiners are looking for.

Lesson on 12th February: Exam questions again

Thursday, February 12th, 2009

Today we reviewed some of the responses to last lesson’s exam question. Here’s an answer to part B:

Explain why Christians are concerned about the poor:
Christians are concerned about the poor because God is concerned about the poor. In the Bible it says that humans should help the needy and protect the weak; they shouldn’t be greedy and should share with those who need it. Christians feel they should protect the rights of helpless people, such as the homeless and hungry and they should feed and house them also.
Christians are concerned about the poor because if they help the needy they will be rewarded by God - helping these people will get them closer to God.

This made lots of use of words like “because” and “therefore. Like the key word in the question it has explained why Christians are concerned about the poor.

Another answer was this one:

Explain why Christians are concerned about the poor

Christian are concerned about the poor because Jesus made himself poor for the sake of others, so they believe that if God and Jesus helped the poor followers of the Bible and God would help the poor as well.

When you lend to the poor, you are lending to God, God will pay you back. Christians believe that if they help do God’s job to help the poor God will repay them with help and care.

Jesus gave up all he had, his free will, to help the poor because he cared that much and believed they were important as the rich. If you help others you’re helping God to do his work and help the poor live. Kindness is an act of worship, because God wanted everyone to be kind to each other and help each other and God took this as following him and worshipping him.

I particularly liked the last bit of this one about giving to the poor being an act of worship. This makes clear the link between the teaching and the action that happens in response.

We also looked at a part C answer:

A rich Christian is a contradiction in terms. Do you agree?

Some would agree that a rich Christian is a contradiction because the Bible teaches that you should share your wealth among the poor. If a Christian shared their wealth out equally with the poor they would not be wealthy as they wouldn’t have that money.

On the other hand, others would say that it is not a contradiction because some Christians need wealth in order to give it to the poor. Also, they could argue that the person has worked hard in order to gain that wealth.

This has given two possible points of view. Note that when the question asks “Do you agree?” it is not simply asking what you think. You need to say what you think with reference to the teachings. If you give two points of view, you can then conclude by saying that: “I think… is right because…”, then you explain why you think one point of view is more convincing than the other.

Finally we tried another exam question. For every mark you scored you would get one entry into a raffle, so the more marks you get the better chance of winning a prize! We’ll hold the raffle on Tuesday after half term…

  • Part A: Describe Christian teaching on poverty (8 marks)
  • Part B: Explain why poverty is so difficult to escape from (7 marks)
  • Part C: “God has a preference for the poor”. Discuss with reference to Christianity (5 marks)

If you have any questions then leave a comment and I’ll respond.

Lesson on 10th February

Tuesday, February 10th, 2009

Today we continued on from last week looking at Christian attitudes to poverty.

The main part of the lesson involved looking briefly at Part C exam questions and did some practise at Part B and C:

Part B: Explain why Christians are concerned about the poor. (7 marks)

Part C: “Yes, I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God” (Jesus). The idea of a rich Christian is a contradiction in terms. Do you agree?

If, for any reason you did not hand in your response at the end of the lesson I expect to see it on Thursday morning.

For both part B and part C refer back to the information looked at last week (February 3rd lesson).

For part C in particular make sure you give a balanced argument. It is no good just saying “I think this…” - the examiner couldn’t care less what you think unless you explain why you think it.

Here are the criteria:

  • Level 1 (1-2 marks): A statement of the obvious, a one sided judgement with little or no argument.
  • Level 2 (3 marks): An expression of one opinion directly related to the issue raised with an argument offered in support of it or a simple expression of two points of view.
  • Level 3 (4 marks): The ability to recognise some of the significance of the issue raised. The expression of opinions directly related to it supported with some use of evidence and argument.
  • Level 4 (5 marks): The ability to recognise some of the significance of the issue(s) raised and to express valid opinions about different points of view supported by evidence and argument.

To get more than 3 out of 5 marks you have to “use evidence and argument”. That involves explaining why your opinion is better than someone else’s.

We’ll look at this a little more on Thursday.