Archive for March, 2009

Lesson on 17th March: Big Bang cosmology

Thursday, March 19th, 2009

Today we considered the big bang theory of the development of the universe. Using modelling clay we saw how all the material in the universe exploded outwards and then cooled down and came together over time. We thought about how the Doppler Effect (eg. the change in sound when a police car goes past) shows that the stars are moving away from each other.

Intelligent design theorists say that the fact that there is something rather than nothing suggests that there is an intelligent designer putting everything together. Also, the force of gravity is very precise - any stronger and the universe would collapse, any weaker and the universe would expand forever without ever forming planets.

Lesson on 10th March: Evolution

Tuesday, March 10th, 2009

We looked at evolution today, and how it is a combination of random mutations and natural selection. We also looked briefly at intelligent design and its arguments against evolution.

Notebook presentation

We looked at a video of Richard Dawkins, which help explain the intelligent design idea of “irreducible complexity”:

For a fun version of evolution in reverse: