Lesson on 10th February

Today we continued on from last week looking at Christian attitudes to poverty.

The main part of the lesson involved looking briefly at Part C exam questions and did some practise at Part B and C:

Part B: Explain why Christians are concerned about the poor. (7 marks)

Part C: “Yes, I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God” (Jesus). The idea of a rich Christian is a contradiction in terms. Do you agree?

If, for any reason you did not hand in your response at the end of the lesson I expect to see it on Thursday morning.

For both part B and part C refer back to the information looked at last week (February 3rd lesson).

For part C in particular make sure you give a balanced argument. It is no good just saying “I think this…” - the examiner couldn’t care less what you think unless you explain why you think it.

Here are the criteria:

  • Level 1 (1-2 marks): A statement of the obvious, a one sided judgement with little or no argument.
  • Level 2 (3 marks): An expression of one opinion directly related to the issue raised with an argument offered in support of it or a simple expression of two points of view.
  • Level 3 (4 marks): The ability to recognise some of the significance of the issue raised. The expression of opinions directly related to it supported with some use of evidence and argument.
  • Level 4 (5 marks): The ability to recognise some of the significance of the issue(s) raised and to express valid opinions about different points of view supported by evidence and argument.

To get more than 3 out of 5 marks you have to “use evidence and argument”. That involves explaining why your opinion is better than someone else’s.

We’ll look at this a little more on Thursday.

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